UNIX System V: American Telephone, Operating System, Reference Implementation (Computing), System V Interface Definition, POSIX, Berkeley Software Distribution, Unix Wars артикул 1206d.
UNIX System V: American Telephone, Operating System, Reference Implementation (Computing), System V Interface Definition, POSIX, Berkeley Software Distribution, Unix Wars артикул 1206d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Unix System V, commonly abbreviated SysV (and usually pronounced ? though rarely written ? as "System 5"), is one of the versions of the Unix operating system It was originally developed by American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) and first released in 1983 Four major versions of System ожжют V were released, termed Releases 1, 2, 3 and 4 System V Release 4, or SVR4, was commercially the most successful version, being the result of an effort, marketed as Unix System Unification, which solicited the collaboration of the major Unix vendors It was the source of several commercial common Unix features While AT&T sold their own hardware that ran System V (see AT&T Computer Systems), most customers ran a version from a reseller, based on AT&T's reference implementation A standards document called the System V Interface Definition outlined the default features and behavior of implementations The most widely used versions of System V today are IBM's AIX, based on System V Release 3, and Sun's OpenSolaris and HP's HP-UX, both based on System V Release 4.  Blackma2010 г Мягкая обложка, 72 стр ISBN 6130400063.