Radon?Riesz property: Normed Vector Space, Limit of a Sequence, Operator Norm, Weak Topology, Johann Radon, Banach Space, Frigyes Riesz, Hilbert Space, Functional Analysis, Schur's Property артикул 1217d.
Radon?Riesz property: Normed Vector Space, Limit of a Sequence, Operator Norm, Weak Topology, Johann Radon, Banach Space, Frigyes Riesz, Hilbert Space, Functional Analysis, Schur's Property артикул 1217d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Radon?Riesz property is a mathematical property for normed spaces that helps ensure convergence in norm Essentially, given two assumptions (essentially weak convergence and continuity of norm), we would like to ensure convergence in the norm topology Although it would appear that Johann Radon ожжял was one of the first to make significant use of the this property in 1913, M I Kadets and V L Klee also used versions of the Radon?Riesz property to make advancements in Banach space theory in the late 1920s It is common for the Radon?Riesz property to also be referred to as the Kadets?Klee property or property (H) According to Robert Megginson, the letter H does not stand for anything It was simply referred to as property (H) in a list of properties for normed spaces that starts with (A) and ends with (H) This list was given by K Fan and I Glicksberg The "Riesz" part of the name refers to Frigyes Riesz He also made some use of this property in the 1920s.  Человек живет2010 г Мягкая обложка, 64 стр ISBN 6130343337.